Meditaion is infact concentrating on the self .The term is used in general sense to denote practise of any technique for interiorizing the attention and focusing it on some aspects of self.It is the seenth step of the eightfold path of yogaBehind the light in every little buld is a grat dynamic current :bebneath every litle wave is the vast tdynamic current .SImilarly behind his succesful human lies his infinite self.Realization of self is what we call enlightment and the process to gain it is what we call simply MEDITITATION.Remember taht YOU is the profilic source of all the pwer and the everyday YOU is only a fragment of that which can b manifested..The reall you is infinte inits concentratioin within you can dfell teh divine bliss of your soul within.You cannot se your real image in ruffled water ot in moving water properly but when water surafe is calm you can see the real you.Through meditiaon we draw restless thoughts from the lake of mind ralizr that we are infinite.
Focus your attntion
within.You will fell a new power ,a new strengt a new peace -in the body mind
and spirit.Mines of poer lies unexplore withinyou.Hey my frens try to explore
it.Sleep is on unconsious meditation but
meditiaon is consios sleep.In Sleep you have limited cosmic energy but
in meditioan you have abundant cosmic enrgy.
Meditation makes you rise above suffering . A real meditator never really hangs on to the questoin>>Why should this happen to me? Instead he thinks every trieal as pickax with wihch to dig tinto soil of your conssiouness and release the foundation of the strenght of within.
You heighten your
misery by imagintaion.Worrying or feleling sorry for yourself wont ease your
pain but rather increase it.The more yout hink on it the more you magnify it.But
if you are a meditator then you dont peek on the situtaion yu infactdirectly
getmixed to your self.And beleive me your slef is infinte.You know it wahtever
added to ininte is infinte nad whatever goes out og it is still an infinte .SO
u become abocve the sufferingsbecause you
are infinite.Th
The joy of god is
boundless unceasing ll theitme .Body,mind nothing can disturb you when you are
in consiosness
Meditation is the
vision of your inner being ,the sight of your soul the telescope of your heart
.Meiditation is a balance of calm ntelligence and purity of heart.Emotion is
the distorted feelings that will lead you wrong way.ourr heart is our power but
today we have become slave of it.Our heart wants we must to id.Our consciece
saysits wrong butstill we do it because we are slave of heart.Who doesnt kno
killin is wrong?Who doesnt know hate is bad.But still why people kill or why we
hate..because we are still under heart.Imagine if you win the world you may not
b the real emperor but if you win yourself you are the real emperor.
Be silent abd calm
every night for at leat an hour preferably much longer before you retire and
again in the norning before starting the days activity.Thia will produce an
undaunted unbreakable inner habit of happiness that will make you able to meet all the tryoing situtation
of the everyday batle of life.
Well during
medititation you clsoe your eyes but our heart will flow.Today you go and try
you will realize how much layers of thoughts you have in you mind which has
finnaly covered your realness.When a rocket is lauched into space a more extra
energy is required to penetrate the
earth gravitation field but after it crosses it the gravittion of the moon
slowly but automatically pulls you.Similarly when you are meditind you are jsumping
from body pheripheri to mind and from mind to inteellect At each state fo
crossing the field of body r mind you will need an sxtra effort cause you mind
and heart feeds you at that time with unknown questions and useless
thinkings.You apply extra force penetratee it .after you cross the level the
mind consioness auotmatically attratcs you.
Meditation is not a
concentration .You may have a question if there is any difference between
meditiaon and concentration.well concentration is done being withd the senses
and medittiaon is done being beyond the senses.One should know the scientific
meaning of concentraion.By the power of concentraion man can use theunhold
power of mind to accomplish that waht he
desires and he cna guard all doors through whihc failures may enter.many people
think to acheive they must do act slowly but know you give your full to it you
can achieve it.
always centre you
whole mind on wahtever you do,however small thinfg it may be/Also leanr to b
flexible so that you can act immediately if needed.But do things with hundred
perscent attention.
Most ppl think hafl
heartedly.They only us e half heart. so that you dont have ower or
succed.attain hundred percent to waht you do .that fulness is attained only
through meditioan.
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